
Based on our corporate philosophy "With immediate response to the changes of the times, to build an affluent society, and a pleasant future with a new perspective,
we provide truly valuable services for our customers and we contribute to the development of local communities."
We aim to exist next 100 years.

Energy saving
and recyclable energy

We tackle to reduce environmental footprint such as to save energy for the cargo handling equipment, to promote LED light at warehouses and facilities also to introduce solar power generation system.

Hybrid transfer crane
Solar power generation system
Solar power generation system




Sustainability in Logistics

We offer logistics services which keep the environmental loading. For example to utilize the barge for container transportation service and to offer automation system for warehouse.

container transportation to utilize the barge
Automated warehouse

Working environment

We promote to take childcare leaves and family care leaves. We aim to create working environment that all the employees can work sound in mind and body
Also we gained "Kanagawa health company declaration " and "Yokohama health and productivity" in 2020 so we are trying proactively to make employee's health promotion.

Kanagawa health company declaration
Yokohama health management certification

Human resources development

We endeavor to give opportunities to grow up and to offer training systems such as
"training for new recruits",
"correspondence course education", 
"public qualification support", 
"participation in administrative and private education and training seminars",
and "overseas training".

Training for new recruits

Quality and safety


Connection with local area
Supporting the next generation

As a local corporation, we cooperation with Yokohama to support local area and to make environment for children growth.

Food safety net

We cooperation with the food bank and support for all the people can get foods, not worry about tomorrow meals.

Corporate governance

Our company holds a monthly meeting of the Board of Directors to decide important matters such as management policy and management strategy, and upon sufficient discussion, makes appropriate management decisions in a timely manner.
Moreover, in order to better manage business affairs and improve management efficiency, we have introduced an executive officer system.


We have an established system, which assures that the executives perform their duties in accordance with the laws and the Articles of incorporation and that the company's operations are appropriate. 
Our company has established compliance regulations, we endeavor to obey laws, office routine regulations and social ethics.

Risk management
Growth and development

With regards to the various risks the company may encounter, each division conducts its own departmental risk management, based on the corporate risk management standards. We have established basic policies for BCP (Business Continuity Planning) and shared that information with all of our employees so that in the event of a disaster, we can protect and ensure the safety of our employees, offer regional support and return to business in a timely manner. We also have established standards for conducting checks on the safety of our employees and created a system that enables efficient communication. Also we promote to make work partnership with domestic and international companies for growth and development.

Received the Yokohama City SDGs certification system "Y-SDGs" certification


「かながわSDGs パートナー」に

2022 年5 月26 日、「かながわSDGsパートナー」に登録されました。引き続きSDGs 達成に向け、地域社会貢献に努めていきます。

「みなとSDGs パートナー」に

2022 年9 月21 日、国土交通省港湾局創設の「みなとSDGsパートナー」に登録されました。今後も港湾事業を通じて社会基盤の維持と持続的な発展を目指していきます。

